by Barry Morrison

Photo : Mel Behasa*

Ewa Beach begins at the West bank of Pearl Harbor which is a military housing area called Iroquois Point. Fortified during WWII the reef was planted with railroad ties and strung with barbed wire. These obstacles, without the wire, were surfed thru, around, and into occasionally for massive dings. Known as Tank Traps during the sixties and surfed by military brats on glassy days with two to four foot waves. Tradewinds or East winds chop this area up. The iron has been removed by the military. Access is limited to those with military IDs.

Across the harbor is Hickam Air Force Base and outside surf spots. Back across the harbor and further down this nice sandy shoreline is Marine Beach, which is right next to and in front of a military rifle range. Time to paddle in when the popping starts.

Leaving the military behind we come to Ewa Beach Park. A long paddle out to a sandbar with glassy conditions will give you waves that are bigger than you thought. Rights and lefts, two to four feet, fast and fun.

The Ewa Beach coast is at the same angle as the Diamond Head to Aina Haina coast and will take the same swells. Southeast, South, Southwest, and even big West wraps during winter, push along this long coastline. North winds are ideal but glassy water is a blast. The water is seldom clear due to the current sweeping the bottom from Pearl Harbor flowing West to Barbers Point. A lot of seaweed (limu) is found in this area, harvested by hand, certain varieties are local favorites for kau kau.

Turning off Ft. Weaver Rd. to Ewa Beach Rd. and driving half way down it there is a public right of way to the beach. This takes you to Empty Lot (Lots). No more empty lots anywhere now days. A surprisingly good spot, primarily a right with lefts, with long rides thru sections and doubleups. Johnny Stadowski, Makaha International junior champ came from this spot. Herbert Pruse would hang ten, turn around and hang heels, then walk straight to the tail to turn around and do a cut back. Super smooth on his John Kelly Jr. Inter-Island Surf Shop Hydro. 1965.

Off Pupu St. is Dud's Reef, a backyard surf spot that requires a leash due to the jagged rocks that the surf slams in to. Fun at one to three feet, a good imagination helps the ride. Home to an occasional beer drinking surf contest, invitation only.

At Pupu Place you can check out the area known as Shark Country. A big left that can hold a ten foot wave peels outside a rock point into a small bay. Murky water and stories of hits and misses by the men in grey keep you wary. But, hey, we came to surf! Good fun at two to four feet you can have long rides with plenty turns and cutbacks. Ewa Beach offers surf spots with really long stand up experience, which is quite refreshing compared to some quick bowl action spots. Let's see, how did Shark Country get its name? Early morning sessions with four foot glassy waves make you a believer.

Haubush is right next door and can connect with Shark Country when big. A left, with rights, many locals started surfing right here, even yours truly. One to three feet and rides to the small beach. Good fishing too!
At the end of Papipi St. is the road to a public beach park that is littered with every kind of household appliance, car parts and whatever, a shame. Next to the not so safe park is Sandtracks. At two to four feet this is a spot to work the rights. Not always friendly, get a few waves and perhaps move on. Newcomers cars left unattended are subject to random inspection by the hungry. Outside reefs along this area will reveal good surf on really big days. Wind is the factor that makes it worthwhile to paddle out or not. Of course, there is nothing quite like being way, way outside in big choppy surf just to give oneself a test.

Fourwheeling from Sandtracks up the shoreline towards Barbers Point for surfing and fishing is fun to do. The Keawe tree (Mesquite) forest comes right up to the car path along the beach. The thorns from this tree will break off in your rubber slippers and surprise you later. You will swear they are coated with a hurtful potion. Great firewood.

Passing a small point with a WWII concrete bunker on it we find The Cove. A nifty little left with bowls and sections. A little tide helps out. Rocky shoreline. Fun and usually not crowded.

The next thousand yards of coastline is classic Ewa Beach. No one around except a few fisherman and maybe a surfer or two riding simple little close out doubleups. Looking at Diamond Head from here lets you see just how big the crater actually is. Sunrise and moonrise, this is a tranquil spot.

Barbers Point Light House
CLICK HERE for more info

The military lets you know you have approached their territory with a ten foot high steel fence that goes out across the sand in to the water. Welcome to Barbers Point Officers Beach (old name). Now it is White Plains Beach and the military has surrendered the property to the State of Hawaii and it is open to the public. Previously, the Barbers Point Naval Air Station, and still home to a Coast Guard unit at the end of Nimitz Beach, the area has assumed its ancient name of Kalaeloa. Access is thru two gates, the Makakilo main gate off the freeway and the other in Ewa Beach at the end of Geiger Rd. But us guys like da back road an we go paddle roun da fence to surf. The parking lot at White Plains Beach is large and gets filled to capacity. This is a family beach if there ever was one. Simple parking, beach pavilions, barbeque pits, shade trees, a bandstand, bath houses, snackbar, and outside showers. The surf rolls in with rights and lefts that doubleup over and over again providing the occasional hundred yard ride or more to the beach. The bottom is sandy with flat rock. Two to three feet is about it for this area but the outside reef can handle much larger surf if you want to paddle out for it. Just like all of Ewa Beach, glassy is great and North winds are better, but side chop is the norm. Standing on the beach and looking outside to the right is Tankers. A thousand yard paddle rewards you with an exceptionally explosive wave that is a smoker of a right at four to six feet. It's there if you want it. Big grey things roam.From the fence line one can walk for several miles on beautiful beach that has been litter free under the military but now the litter is being sprinkled here and there by the carefree public, auwe!

Winding along the shoreline road, past permitted campsites we break out of the Keawe trees to the road next to the airstrip. Following this we arrive at Nimitz Beach (Enlisted Mens Beach in the old days). This is an outside break that sections and closes out. It can be good, but you have to catch it just right.



Just beyond Nimitz Beach the Coast Guard has a presence mauka of the beach. Oceanside of this is a treeless beach area with a jetty on the right. Swabbyland is straight out a good thousand yards. What a spot. Good from four to twelve feet with thick juicy rights, this spot requires your attention. Getting caught inside is very memorable. Very similar to a big wave spot at Diamond Head named Browns with a touch of Laniakea and there you have it. An interesting aspect to this spot is when you are forced to prone out and you're rocketing toward shore the whitewater backs off very quickly as you pass over a trench and one is left skittering over deep water. Cool! Swabbyland is no secret and can get crowded. Too many surfers everywhere. You know what a swabby is, right..just a Navy enlisted man at's all. It will be interesting to see how the State of Hawaii will manage this newly acquired land. Keep it clean folks. This is the end of the road for Barbers Point. Beyond is yet another great fence, and, on the other side, Campbell Industrial Park.

A freeway exit to Campbell Industrial Park is coming up. We go. Past the depressing concrete and metal warehouses lies the Southwestern tip of Oahu and the glorious West side begins. Not surprising at all the name of the surf spot is Campbell's. It is actually a fairly wide area with different spots showing when the surf height changes. Access to the water is over a coral shelf that is not really user friendly when the surf is big. Once you have determined your launching point and jump in, (hoping your leash won't snag on rock) all is well. A hollow left with a shifting peak is straight ahead. Three to four feet is good. A big right just West of this left can handle ten feet but it gets spooky. In the early seventies a helicopter survey of shark population was conducted and this area had more sharks than they could count. Perhaps this was a phenomenon of the time. Nevertheless keep your eyes open. Trade winds blow straight offshore and North winds are good too, except they carry some odors from the industrial plants. No worry, no mutants running around.

The industrial zone ends at the Barbers Point Deep Draft Harbor (Malakole Harbor) Big West and Northwest swells have impact on either side of the harbor mouth.

All surf spots explored will be named as we move further West.

The Ko'Olina Resort is west of the deep draft harbor and has outside waves for the brave. Access is thru public right of way to the ocean with free parking provided on a side lot of the hotel. The hotel is luxurious but has a fair priced bar. An aquatic attraction is the shallow shark pond with small black tips cruising along. Now where did they find those specimens? The swimming lagoons have heavy duty black nets across the openings in the break wall where ocean water flows thru. How come?

Down the road and around the bend across from the Kahe Point Electric plant is a spot known as Tracks. Old railroad tracks from the sugar mill days still remain but are unused. The surf breaks very close to shore in shallow water with a fairly flat reef. Hollow, crispy, fast waves peel left and right in the two to three foot range. The bigger it gets, the more hairy it gets as a standup wall gives you time for a few snappy moves before an exit and a close out. At two to three feet you can be in the line up in minutes. Prevailing trade winds keep this place pretty. Park where you can see your car get broken in to.

Entering Nanakuli there is Hawaiian Homestead Land on the ocean. In this neighborhood is a local spot called Keaulana's. A fun right at two to four feet. A very beautiful setting in a small bay with comfortable old houses full of Hawaiians that surf. Howzit Gannigan!

Moving on.
Maili Point is a summer and winter break with much to offer. Primarily a long left that can go ten to twelve feet and bigger. Summer South swells show their stuff the biggest here. More big than town. Short rights are available with the correct swell direction and tide. Shortboard and longboard can be tested as well as your leash. If your leash breaks here you will be swimming a long time. Surfer Magazine ran a photo in the sixties of graffiti painted on the block wall at the point that said "If you don't live here, don't surf here." Plain enough for regular folk. Winter time provides much more consistent surf than winter and is good in the four to eight foot range. Not for beginners.

Up the road.
Maili Break wall (Green Lanterns) is famous for the huge waves that feather and break super far out in the blue water. Known as Maili Cloudbreak it is beautiful to watch even if no one is riding. On the inside, waves wrap around a small point and present a straight wall that's moving fast to the right. It is a bit difficult to paddle out thru continuous whitewater but you can do it. This spot was a bummer before leashes because of the rock point and the break wall. One should not push your luck here even with the convenience of a medical clinic across the street. The outside can be ridden from fifteen to twenty feet and bigger. Are you ready?

A few hundred feet up the road is Sewers. An aromatic surf spot across from, you guessed it, a wastewater treatment plant. So many surfing areas have come to life thanks to the leash. Borrowing your pals board and riding here without a leash could bring an end to a friendship. A beautiful wave that smokes right or left is just a short distance off the ledge. Three to six feet and your grooving or would like to groove if there was room at this tight little spot. A strong Northwest makes the rights open up at six feet.

At the far end of Waianae town is Army Street. Turn here and park outside the gates of this military reservation. Limited parking available with military ID. Say hello to the guard and walk on thru to this oasis. Known as Rest Camp due to the many bungalows and recreational facilities. Looking out from the shower area near the steps down to the beach you behold the Pokai Bay and surf pouring in. When Makaha is six to ten feet and up this area gets a strong push but half the size. You can see the sets coming from this side of the horizon. A long right slide with a left that shoots toward a raised shelf. Crowded real fast with good local surfers and some novice military guys checking out the real Hawaii.

Up the road a bit you will see a small mountain that is ocean side of Farrington Hwy. This is Lahilahi Point. An apartment building comes in to view quickly so get ready to pull over and park. The surf spot is not visible from the road nor is this good sized bay with a wide beach. Looking toward the point the set up is evident, lefts wrap and push to the beach. South swells find a home here. The middle of the bay takes the West and Northwest swells, with shifting peaks. This place can handle big waves.

Pulling up to Makaha Beach we see outside on the Waianae side of the bay a big thick left with no one out. Welcome to Klausmeyers, somewhat treacherous and unforgiving, getting caught inside is the norm. Expect to take gas at any size.

Looking over to Makaha is a different story, it's packed. Enter the water with a lot of respect for the power of this place. The water is thick and your board feels very small on bigger days, like it won't paddle fast enough to run away from the monster set that's moving in. Surfers, bodyboarders, canoes, tandem riders, they're all here. Much credit to the lifeguards that oversee the action. Best to get here at dawn before the neighborhood arrives. At three to six feet it is the most crowded because it is so much fun. The character of the wave changes as it gets bigger, ask Greg Noll about the winter of 1969. Was it thirty feet or was it forty? Ask Buffalo Keaulana and family for the total recall of surfing history here. George Downing, Wally Froiseth, and Joey Cabell may have something to say also. The Makaha International Surf Meet was a big venue here in the sixties. Collect the money, send them out, no matter the size or conditions, and enjoy the swim. It was a fantastic surfing exhibition with worldwide talent on view for all of us. Hero's have confirmed their worth at Makaha. Of interest is the fact that when Waimea Bay is twenty five feet with sixty guys in the water Makaha may be as big with a handful out. Brian Keaulana, udabest. Why don't the big wave riders of the North shore ride huge Makaha? Not enough cameras? The drive too far? How about a two hundred yard long twenty foot wave. I think I'll go buy groceries instead. Rell Sunn is gone, but not her spirit. What a babe, she could out surf most men, anywhere. Surfboards Makaha is alive and well with Jay Richardson and son at the helm.

Just past the residential area at the point we come to Kea'au Beach Park(Free Hawaii). Pull right in and there it is, a left break on a big South swell in front of a ledge that peels into a little inlet. A serious wave that works well in the four to five foot range. Make sure your leash has no cracks or stress, these rocks are unforgiving. Northwest swells during winter will entertain you with eight foot waves.

The Ranch is a roadside stop just ahead. A Northwest swell direction will let the wave open up for a longer ride. Pray For Sex Beach is at hand, bring a friend and bodysurf. Down the way and far outside the Makua Cave when it is fifteen to twenty feet you will find Brian Keaulana and his tow in crew taking on the challenge of a very fast breaking wall. The ultimate breakfast club.

Yokohama, dead ahead. It gets blazing hot out here, nice to have a cooler along to help out. This spot catches a South swell too. The takeoff is awesome as it jacks up from deep water, hits a flat shelf and grinds down the beach. A left peak, very intense and thick. Good for home movies of your friends eating it. Can take ten foot waves, easy.

Third Dip is next. A spot perfected by Johnny Boy Gomes and others with their intense commitment, drive, and no scared of nothing approach. Yikes, take my wave too. Great area to just watch the show when the braddahs are rippin. Watch the tide, swell direction, and if the swell is increasing or not. These factors will impact your day. Four to six feet is a lot to handle here. P.S. if the fishermen are there first, tough luck, baited hooks on long lines have been cast. Do you think they will stop what they are doing so you can surf? Goodbye.

The road continues to Kaena Point. Protected from car travel (for environmental issues) you can see this is where the West side of Oahu meets the North. Tremendous surf, strong currents, and deep water have some of the new breed of tow in surfers approaching this zone. More power to you. Don't forget your harpoon to fend off a territorial beast. A walking tour of the point lets you feel the energy of this desolate area. Do not leave surfboards in or on car. As with the whole West side, the mountains are close, dry, and beautiful.





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RSS Oahu Surf

  • SUNSET report not available.
  • MAKAHA reported 2-4 ft at 2:00 PM HST.
    Wind is VAR 5-10.
  • EHUKAI reported 4-8 ft at 2:00 PM HST.
    Wind is NE 10-20.
  • MAKAPUU reported 4-6 ft at 2:00 PM HST.
    Wind is E 15-20.
  • SANDY BEACH reported 2-3 ft at 2:00 PM HST.
    Wind is ENE 10-20. SHORE BREAK
  • WAIKIKI reported 1-2 ft at 2:00 PM HST.
    Wind is ENE 10-30. CANOES
  • DIAMOND HEAD reported 2-3 ft at 7:00 AM HST.
    Wind is E 20.
  • Surf Forecast for Oahu
    NOTE: Please check with local authorities regarding beach closures. Surf along north facing shores will be 3 to 5 feet today, lowering to 1 to 3 feet Friday. Surf along east facing shores will be 2 to 4 feet through Friday. Surf along south facing shores will be 2 to 4 feet today, rising to […]
  • Oahu Surf Hazards
    No high surf advisory or warnings.


  1. totally blown away.found this site few years ago thought too late for comment.1965 ordered 9-6 thin rail double concave Inter-Island.wasnt the shop on Kauai?that board was fast. then saw Chris Gardner shaping a blank about 6 or 7 foot. remember him doing skeg first take offs at Barbers Point. what a trip hear all those names again haubush empty lots swabbyland remember long paddle out to tankers.tracks. yeah this Navy brat stayed Army camp couple times.on to yokohama strong wave.Makaha couple times but when big just watch the big boys.drove the old VWbug around Kaena Point. had to get out to lift over rocks few times 68 or 69.shiped car to Kauai on Young bros. barge in 68 .camped at Hanalei 2 weeks.Joey Cabell.I was the first rescue of winter surf season Nov.67.just body whompin shore break 5 to 6 feet and in 20 to 30 min. Waimea was closing out.dont ever close this site.Kiki S. remem. mariners ridge Judd Cooper.

  2. Is anyone still monitoring this blog? I just bought a house 7 houses up the hill from Haubush; it was going off the other day with only a handful out. Mostly lefts and a few decent rights to be had. The place is in the process of a major cleanup and 90% of the rubbish is gone and only a few squatters left. We will keep the press on to finish the clean-up and make it whole again.

    E M?lama Pono!!!


  3. Great site and informative. Love the history. We just moved to Ewa. I was curious…theres very little information on Waianae Army Rec Beach. From what you’ve said, if Makaha is 6-8 and clean, like it is suppose to be tomorrow, that the rec center will be half that size and half the crowd, is that about right? Any other tips or experience to share from surfing the rec center? Is the take off area here: 21.446845, -158.193444 ?

    I don’t longboard so Im looking for something close to the house when theres a NW swell without having to go to the north shore…or fight all the crowds at Makaha. Thanks, TJ

  4. Came across this site looking for photos of the Waianae Army Recreation Area….we vacationed there in the 1960’s. We lived on Fort Ruger on the side of Diamond Head. I didn’t get to Ewa very often. We hung out at Cliff’s, Kahala, Queen’s Surf, like that. Any body remember the Teen Club dances at the various bases? thanks for the website….lots of great memories.

  5. Hey Robert, missed the 1967 reunion, but am back the day after the reunion Oct 23 and staying until Nov 7. Hope you made it back. Have been playing golf with Jim Pratt and Gerry Green.

  6. Richard, missed the 1966 50 year reunion. Jim Pratt sent me some pictures, looked like fun. I got an email for 1967 50 year reunion in oct. I may try to make that. Robert

  7. I am going to attend my 50 year high school reunion in October. I graduated from Campbell high school in 1966. I now live by Redondo Beach in southern California. I used to live Santa Cruz. I came here from Hawaii in 1980 with my job with the airlines. I am now retired. I started surfing in 1964, I am 67 and still surf a couple days a week. With my airline job I have been able to travel all over the world with my surfboard. I was able to surf Jefferys bay, they say it is the worlds best point break. I surfed the Canary Islands, the Hawaii of the Atlantic. I also surfed in Ireland where my grandfather came from. I have lot of memories going back with people, the Gardeners, Arhelgers and many others. I went to my 30 year reunion in 1966 and surfed with Kevin Johns and sister and two daughters.

    • Hey Robert,
      I still surf, mostly on travels. It’s too cold for me to surf In NorCal. Going to Ewa Beach in Late Oct, just after the Campbell 1967 50th year reunion. Plan to surf some of the Ewa Beach spots. Surfed most of the spots in this article from 1962-1966. I had a Guy Kamaka 9′-6″ board. Last surfed Pop’s Oct 2016 and it was so much fun.

  8. Just found this site! used to live in capehart, 66-69,& surfed sum off the beach behind the store/gas station next to the rifle range (where sum marine stole my dad’s binoculars!)but back then the boards were so big & heavy for us kids – we had more fun buying old airplane innertubes at the ArmyNavy store, hauling them to the gas station to fill up w/ air, then rolling them down to the beach & trying to stay on them in the shorebreak while not getting impaled by the long metal air valve!Was there when they came to the capehart beach to film a scene used in Tora Tora, when the BB New Jersey came in on it’s way to Nam, but missed seeing Hendrix!! Went to Campbell & once on ‘kill haole day’ sum fat Hawaiian was chasing me down between rows of metal folding chairs, Ipulled 1 behind me as I ran by & heard him crash into the rest of them!! Then used to catch the launch down at the lagoon, cross the channel, catch a base bus to the gates, then a city bus to HBA – Honolulu Baptist Acad!Whatever happened to Roy Andone,David Vahsen & my other BoyScout buddies from the Hanauma Bay & Pupakea campouts! da kine!!

    • mike (and john?) I lived all that! Iroqouis pt 6 grade 65-66, Campbell for 7th and 8th 66-67 and 67-68. I belonged to the scouts.. Hey Mike I knew David Vahsen very well and hung out with him a lot. We must have known each other. I remember guys would try to get him mad to watch his face go red! Also Pat Neal who I ran into at NAS Miramar in ’69.Were you there at Hanauma camp out when someone got bit by a huge centipede and next one.. a scorpion on the foot? Took the bus to Campbell. Were you there the “kill haole” day we were waiting for Popa and some little local was going to beat Popa up.. It all happened while we were waiting on the bus after school. Popa split that punks cheek ..he didn’t know Popa took years of gung fu when they were stationed in Korea. Dude. Made me a believer! Hiking and snorkeling out towards Mokuleia.. Surfing that spot near the elementary school.. HOT SAND.. hot hot! Also Nimitz with that long ride in…some big maku scared the crap out of me one time. hey wait.. remember boycotting the Campbell cafeteria and walking over to Tanaka’s instead? Pencil fights! Little League. Watching samurai movies weekend mornings.. Johnny Barand and Neff Maiava and Ripper Collins on tv wrestling. Chinese food at Wo Fats and steaks at The Colonels. damn those were good times..

      • hey by the way.. I meant no disrespect to my brethren out in Ewa when I told the story about the beef at Campbell. That “little local” used to pick on Popa because Popa was a straight -A nerd and the kid said some bad stuff to him and knocked all his books out of his hands.. stuff like that.. I was also good friends with Wallace Chun, Wayne Miyasaki, Tim Hendrix, Dean Fujimoto, and even that real tall red-headed local senior, “Hawaiian” was his nick name for real.. told me he was my friend and no one mess with me. so life goes on and peace and health to you all. Aloha

  9. Had a mini-reunion with McLafferty family today, 9/8/15.
    Their dad Norman McLafferty passed away and his funeral and internment was today.
    This is a excellent article and things continuously change, so Hau Bush looks real different now in 2015.
    Good job, Barry, and good luck with your shop on Kapahulu.

  10. Hey Barry. Remember you from da 60s. Empty lot days wen was empty. Days dat da marker was still standing on OutSide Reef.
    Rememba sum uda guys you know and some dat post here. Gannigan, Woma, Savage, Clyde Bumanglag, Andy Black, Jerry, and all Us
    guys from EBR. Empty Lot was better dat time. Neva had da Reef Runway. Tings wen change afta dat. I no surf no mo, but da heart
    slill in dat watas. All us guys use to hitchhike go surf Waianae side, Anson Regos, is dat Green Lanterns? We surf up an down
    da coast den stay somebody house or on da beach. I stay wit Savage, next time he stay wit me. I see Clyde dem, I stay der house.
    Was good times, was good people, was good life. I still da same hea, but no surf no more, but miss da days of da past. Keep it
    up my bradda, for some of us its old memories, for some of us, its a new day. Bradda Paul…….

  11. Reading these comments kicks my memory banks in gear! How about the Irish/Hawaiian place on Pupu Place, home of my good hapa friend Tim Mclafferty and family. Hey Tim remember our trip to Kauai in 1970, hooking up with Jim Greene surfing heavy water at Queens Pond! The bowl at Hanalei, tunnels, remnants of Taylor’s camp. What a time and place!

  12. nice writing Barry-san! enjoyed your stroll along the Ewa memory lane. how cum i git no credit for the photo of your bloody back !! hahah ……….

  13. Yeah, good memories, was there as a military brat 1965-1969 lived at iroquois pt. was on the Barbers Point Mariners football team, was the 1968 island champs. I remember tank traps, a few of us on the team would dare each other to go out there at night, empty lot, we use to paddle from iroquois pt to empty lot to surf, stay close in next to the firing range, storm surf fight off all of the man-o-war jelly fish dam they hurt. , shark country, officers beach, swabbyland. went to Cambell HS. We spray painted moke express on the school bus, remember kill haole day? The filming of Tora Tora Tora.
    Good times Good memories, great people.

    • Hi John, I also lived in Iroquois Point, 64-68. We lived on 108th street. I went to Ewa Beach Elementary, 5th and 6th grade, and Campbell 7th and 8th. (I see that Campbell only has 9-12 now)

      • I went to Campbell 66-67 and 67-68 for 7th and 8th grade. Lived on 101st St Iroquois Pt housing. Scout Troop also … Troop 150?
        I was like 12 when I graduated 8th grade. Used to drag my big board across the hot white beach over there by Iroqouis pt Elementary and try to paddle out.. my elbows couldn’t rech the sides of the board so I had to ride the nose out, or drag it in the water. My paper route went up to 108th I’m sure. Good times!

  14. Hey Mr Barry “Howzit” Morrison-
    Wow this writing was super special! Brought back many memories of surfing some of those spots especially on the West Shore Tracks to Yokohama in the mid-sixties. Perfect descriptions of what I recall including the heat at Yokohama, Buffalo and meeting Tiger and avoiding Tigers. A crazy friend of mine from Oregon surf, Denver, always talked about his session w/ Buffalo at Makaha. Besides Haleiwa, the West shore was always the most special so many many Mahalos for writings.
    Also, been a long long time since I’ve seen the Inter-Island logo, its really great to see that everything hasn’t changed and there’s an opportunity to return to some special things from the past. Hope to move to the Big Island soon and am beginning to see a II 9’0 3-stringer on the horizon.

  15. Aloha, just wondered if you know of any hot spots for shells. My used to be a secret beach is no longer a secret. Thought you may know a place I could check it but not wreck it. Anyway, love the way you write about your ventures. I feel like I already know you. Keep it real.

  16. My name is Troy Mize, my brothers Lance and Chris surfed Ewa and Barbers among other spots since 61 to 71. I started along side Rick and Kevin Johns and Guy Kamaka at Barbers Point in 61 and 62! We were friends of Tom Wooley, Chris and Steve and Mark Gardner and Dave Ponds and his brother Eddie. I just recently learned of Kevin Johns passing, we had good memories of him. I can’t believe it was 50 years ago! I also remember Butch Perreira, Tommy Philipps, and many other Ewa Beach great surfers! Do you fellas remember Lani Keohu, John Peck, Rick Aubrey, Craig and Kent Macintosh?

  17. barry one of the boards that saved my life.during gas shortage 1975?i was living owens retreat mokuleia. it was a dick brewer semi-gun ibought from his shop on kapiolani blvd? HE had two boards the same one had a purple teardop the other agreen teardrop, single stringer pintail.I was wondering if he saved any of those templates? tks mike, stephen and i are on big island me kona steve pahoa.

  18. Howzit Just quick note. Loved the neva eve go ewa article.
    The real reason for the note is I’d love to have a means to communicate with Barry Morrison. He was like and older brother back in the day and it’s been many years. Any one who could help me out it’d be greatly appreciated Ed Pond

  19. Aloha, Me again. I just noticed a few names who responded. One name is Short. I didn’t know Mike but if he’s related to Rusty who went to school with me along with the Pond brothers who also was from Iroqouis PT. We called that place Capehart. I don’t know why? Anyway my mother retired from the store over there. Aloha.

    • Hi Tom, It was called Capehart because it was constructed under the Capehart/Wherry Military Housing Project funded after WWII to house military families. Iroquois Point was one of 5 or 6 different Capehart projects I lived in as a child.

  20. Aloha, I’d just say a little about Ewa Beach. My family were the caretakers of the house fronting shark country.Sonny Cordes had the $25.00 A YEAR lease, but we stayed there most of time because we lived up Papipi Rd. Anyway @ the Point House w/ the pool was Larry Ching, he owned HI-WAY Construction CO. Going toward Barb.PT. was another Ching, he had a little village of homes he sub leased. Next house was Matsiguma’s then us. Across from us roadside was the Kang family. Coming back beach side next was the Roxburg’s. Then the old Pake Kui Ching followed by Ewa Plantation Beach Park a.k.a. Hau Bush. Then C.P.C. Del Monte Pineapple Co. This was in the years between 1957-1966. There was no caretaker @ Hau Bush till 1964/65.That’s when Reno Aliviado & family came They all surfed. I will always remember the older guys, Tony Magalanes, Domi Delacruz, Herbert Aliviado a.k.a.Monkey, also the Sakai brothers,Danny, Puni, &younger brother Alan. I useto wait on the beach till they pau and barrow their board. They called themselfs the WaikeleHotdoggers. I can go on & on but I’ll say Aloha Tom.

    • I wonder if you are the same Tommy Phillips that I knew in the early 70’s. I was the haole girl from Dallas, TX that lived in Ewa Beach for a while. I knew your aunt Ann Chennault in Dallas. I had lots of fun times with you showing me the island and trying to teach me to surf. You spent more time chasing your board as I could never stay on it. I still have pictures of us on the beach with your board. I remember your sweet grandmother Tutu.


      • Hi, Patty, I’m trying to find out more about Laura Reynolds, a the first Haole girl to win a junior surfing competition in Hawaii at 15 – 16 years old, probably 1968 OR SO. Where might I find those records? She died recently in Raleigh, NC at 65.

  21. Barry- I know you remember the Mize’s! There were 3 of us Troy, Lance and Chris. I started surfing Barbers Point in 61 (age 13)We had days back in 62 3 and 4 when I surfed with Guy Kamaka alone at John’s Beach ( you called it the cove) the waves were 10 to 15 feet solid in the spring of 63. Me and Guy Kamaka, we surfed for 3 hours alone then paddled down to Barbers where we stole some strawberry ice cream from the snack bar! When the short boards hit, my 2 brothers were instrumental in making them and riding them along with Chris and Mark Gardner and their other brother Steve. I guess I could write a book about the Ewa Beach experience alone. A lot of guys that surfed back then ridiculed Ewa and Barbers as “gremmy” waves. But those of us that lived there know different!Some of the guys that were really good in the 60’s started their surfing there. John Peck, Kevin and Rick John’s (may Rick rest in peace,I hope he’s surfing in Heaven)!There are many other great surfers to come out of Ewa Beach! How many of you guys out there remember Lani Keohu. He was a pure Hawaiian with a pure Hawaiian surfing style, he was absolutly fearless, was built like Hercules. He became the greatest surfer (in my opinion) to surf Kaisers Bowl! And he also liked to surf Barbers Point and Swabbyland (which, at the time was a secret spot, 1962 and up to about 69)! Hele on brothers, Hele on Troy Mize. We lived on Papipi Place, close to the Arhelgers, close to Tommy John!

  22. Yeah, like you guy say; there were some great surfing in Ewa Beach! I lived Ewa Beach Road, and had many great days surfing Empty Lot. Back then, it was Butch, Frank Aragon, David, Julie and Bolo Cueva, Mel Behasa, George Kaholokula, Herbert Pruce, Nathan Moody, Rob MacDonald and his dad, Mac. Clay and Calvin Eton, Norman Nauka (ripping bottom turns on a huge long board), Mike and Steve Kendall… Am I leaving anyone out Butch? Dave Cueva and Rob MacDonald were making boards then in Rob’s parent’s carport, directly in front of Empty Lot’s best break (arguably). We all hung out there. Dick Delong moved onto EBR a bit later and was making boards as well. And on really good days, we got a lot of the surf gang from the other side of Ewa Beach too; Mikey Vogelgesang, John and Johnathan Crouch, Robbie Husic, Ron Ariole, the Gaynors, Tom Phillips,… Empty Lot Surf contests were judged from MacDonald’s front yard. Good fun days!

  23. Barry,
    I just got to this site! Unreal! thanks for the memories about Ewa Beach. I also was one of those keed’s from Ewa Beach road. Surfed looking up to John Sadowski and brothers, Stanley and “Bum Bum”. John is still one of the smoothest. I visit my parents there and see him sitting on his front lawn at his mom’s home in front of “Empty Lots”. Once in a while I might see Herbert. I remember when he rode that hydroplane board. Some other great surfers from that era was Lester Enamoto, who also lived right down from the Lots. I was younger than those guys, but they were all guys that I looked up to. Ewa Beach Surf Club was the greatest.

    • Really nice to see old surfing buddies from ewa beach surf club. By the way remember my brother Errol, he passed away in 2016 in May .his wish was to scatter his ashes at hau bush.l’ll let everyone know details later. Nice to see everyone is in touch.I am back in Oahu for now.aloha too everyone.

  24. Aloha Barry, awesome article, I was one of those military brats back in th 60’s. Ewa Beach was da kine back then. mahalo

  25. Howzit! Barry, I was one of those military brats along with duke dordy, the short brothers, dave and ed pond, and all the ewa beach surf club boyz, cira 1965 to 1969. What a place! Empty Lots, shark country, haubush, and swabie land! Lotta goodsurfers came out of ewa beach back then, particulary chris gardner and brothers, tom wholly, eric svann, just a great bunch of boyz, I believe Herbert is still winning senior masters, great drop knee turn! Lots of hammerheads on patrol at tank traps! Thanks for the memories! I still talk story about neva eva go ewa! Aloha

    • Howzit, Barry I was one of those brats back in the late 60’s A lot of good surfers came out of Ewa Beach back then. Chris Gardner, Herbert, tom wholly, and all the Ewa Beach Surf Club boyz. Great waves, what a time and place it was. Mahalo niu loa

    • Oh yeah. Steve, remember fishing for Hole Hole off the launch dock in the harbor? We used to take the shuttle to Hickham AFB to go watch a movie.

      • That dock has(or did in the mid 60s)a little ramp-like lip that we use to launch ourselves off on our bikes. Speaking of launch, I also use to take the launch to Hickham. In those days you could get a military bus to Pearl Harbor and Honolulu.

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